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Sustainability is the sum of the right decisions

We are future activists. That commences with our solutions - and does not just cease there. On the contrary: We are always thinking about the origin of our raw materials. About what effects certain manufacturing processes might have. And in which packaging our products leave the factory. We prefer to ask one question too many rather than one too less. Also about ourselves. For example, as far as the heating supply in our offices is concerned. Or simply how every one of us can produce less waste at their workplace. This also has a lot to do with our guiding principle: BEKO TECHNOLOGIES. Better through responsibility.

Sustainability is more than just a buzzword for us. This is more about the meaningful, future-oriented harmony between ecology, economy and social issues.

The increasing expectations of not only our customers but also our staff with regard to energy and material consumption, which are therefore closely linked to the generation of emissions, waste or logistics costs, considerably affect the environmental perspective. Simultaneously, the economic side of the business with economic growth, networking with customers, dealers and suppliers, as well as corporate governance, must not be neglected. This applies equally to the social aspects with social equity, social engagement, ethical behaviour, more humane working conditions and a clear attitude for complying with law and order. This is also reflected again in our code of conduct.

Social engagement

Social engagement is firmly anchored in the company history and values of BEKO TECHNOLOGIES. . The commitment to socially responsible action was already established by company founder Berthold Koch as a central element of the corporate culture. This tradition is continued today in its spirit. One of the priorities is therefore promoting youth. BEKO TECHNOLOGIES participates in various projects with donations in kind and money and supports young people by financing school and study projects on their way to an independent future.

Examples of the projects we support

Bürgerstiftung Neuss - Bü.NE

The Berthold Koch Foundation Fund, a sub-foundation of the Neuss Community Foundation (Bü.Ne), provides targeted support for individual projects in education and upbringing. The lighthouse project is the "School Seniors Project" at several schools in Neuss.

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Deutsche Kinderherzzentren e.V.

Around 17 children a born every day with a heart defect in Germany. The Fördergemeinschaft Deutsche Kinderherzzentren has been successfully involved in the continuous improvement of diagnostics and treatment methods for more than 20 years.

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DKMS gemeinnützige GmbH

DKMS gemeinnützige GmbH is a German non-profit organization based in Tübingen. Its main field of activity is the registration of stem cell donors, with the aim of giving blood cancer patients worldwide a second chance at life with a stem cell transplant.

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The Levana School

The Levana School, a special school in Bad Neuenahr, suffered high property damage and also human losses as a result of the flood disaster in July 2021. Classes are currently being held in two other school buildings. 

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As an above-average growing family business, we are looking for bright minds who are ready to give their full commitment and to break new ground.

Vision & Values

All activities of BEKO TECHNOLOGIES are shaped by our corporate vision.


Everything started in 1982 in a small backyard garage in Düsseldorf, Germany. With many experiments and simple means, Berthold Koch develops the first electronically level-controlled condensate drain out of a brilliant idea: the ground-breaking BEKOMAT.


We meet the high quality requirements of the market by implementing a high quality standard which is effectuated by all of our employees, state-of-the-art components and intensive product monitoring.