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METPOINT® FLM: Sensor technology for volume flow measurement

Every third compressor is only operated to compensate for air losses. These costs are largely avoidable. One possibility to avoid these costs is precise acquisition of the current volume flow. This then provides the basis for many important analyses, documentation and decisions. BEKO TECHNOLOGIES provides end-position monitoring with the METPOINTFLM SF13 and SF53

Is your production set up as optimally economical?

You can only comprehensively answer this question when the current volume flow requirement for your compressed air has been identified. This can be evaluated for you by the METPOINT FLM volume flow measuring system and thereby provides you with the data basis you need for intelligent energy management. Identify potential savings, overloads and weak points in your system to improve its efficiency. By measuring the actual flow to the various production units, you are in a position to make decisions based on facts. At the same time, the METPOINT FLM lets them know whether there are any leaks in their system. The measurement thereby provides you with all the necessary data you need to jointly coordinate components in the best possible way and design systems economically. 

The FLM SF13 variant is available with measuring sections of different diameters and comes with a calibration certificate for the selected pipe diameter. The FLM SF53 is pre-calibrated as a universal sensor to a pipe diameter of 53.1 mm, but can be adjusted/calibrated to other diameters on customer request.

Model with display

With the display and configuration menu, all measured values can be displayed and sensor settings can be made

Model with LED

The less expensive LED variant indicates the need for a new calibration (annually). Please note: The sensor configuration can only be done during production or later via the BDL datalogger


Two temperature sensors are installed in series in the direction of flow. The first temperature sensor measures the current process temperature of the compressed air, while the second sensor is electrically heated to a temperature that is 40 K higher than that of the first sensor. Higher volume flows results in a quicker drop in temperature at the sensors, so that the electric heater of the second sensor must increase its heat output. The electric energy required to maintain the temperature difference is proportional to the volume flow. This energy consumption is converted to provide the relevant flow measurements. 

On our YouTube channel you will find more videos about our company, compressed air preparation and measuring technology.

Advantages of METPOINT® FLM

Identify potential savings

  • accurate monitoring of compressed air consumption
  • maps volume flow, consumption and flow rate
  • provides the basis for intelligent energy management
  • basis for an economic design of systems and determination of leakage quantities

Practical and precise

  • Plug & Play
  • can be installed and removed under pressure
  • suitable for pipe diameters from ¼'' to 10''
  • indication of calibration time via integrated display or service LED
  • ideal for compressed air technology due to calorimetric measuring principle

Technical data METPOINT® FLM

Measuring technique Calorimetric
Measured parameters Standard units: m³/h, m³ and m/s
Display Service LED or TFT 1.8" display
Accuracy ± 1.5 % of measured value ± 0.3 % of final value
Power supply 18 bis 36 VDC
Output signal 4 ... 20 mA, RS485 (MODBUS RTU)
Pulse output 1 pulse per m³ and/or per litre, pulse output as potential free
Operating pressure Maximum 16 bar, optional up to 50 bar with SF53

* Refer to downloads for additional performance data: Product Folder

Our calibration service for your METPOINT® FLM

Transducers and transmitters are exposed to mechanical stress and temperature fluctuations among others. As a result e.g. the measuring accuracy of sensors decreases and generates a so-called “drift”, which then falsifies the measured results and can thereby impair production and product quality. BEKO TECHNOLOGIES provides a comprehensive range of calibration services for volume flow sensors, pressure dew point transmitters, pressure measurement converters and analyses devices. The calibration is executed according to a specified calibration method from BEKO TECHNOLOGIES and is a so-called ISO calibration. ISO calibration is based on reference measurements performed with externally provided test specimens and certified reference devices. All reference devices can be traced back to national standards. The relevant procedures and methods meet the requirements of the DIN EN ISO 9001 quality standard.

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Competence in Measurement
Product Range
4 MB
METPOINT Pressure Safety Device PP 50 - 220 | PP 50 - 400
7 MB
4 MB
4 MB
491 KB

Further sensors from the METPOINT series:



The pressure transmitter METPOINT PRM records the relative pressure (overpressure) in gaseous and liquid media



Plug-on for direct information on site



Sensor technology for precise pressure dew point measurement